
Monday, June 13, 2016

Changing conflict conditions in organizations

Conflict is a part and parcel of human life. In the organizations conflict can occur at individual, group and organizational level; however, conflict is inevitable for the growth of the organizations.
In the absence of conflicts, no progress can be achieved and in order to have a balanced work life in the organizations, the changing conflict conditions in organizations should always be looked into and paramount importance has to be given so that the relationship between the workers and the management is maintained in a cordial manner without affecting the productivity of the organization. In fact organization is of paramount importance and activities confronting the work flow process in organizations should be curtailed.
In organizations the work environment is in such a way that the sources of conflict are task and role related.
Task relates to a set of activities as influenced by goals, targets, objectives and procedures less the element of interpersonal interdependence. Role refers as to how these activities are actually performed in relation to other tasks, positions and people in the organizational network.
Task related factors that induce conflict conditions in organizations are:
1.       Short time allotment for the completion of the work,
2.       Complex rules unclear and not properly codified and explained,
3.       In compatible rules which are practically difficult to be established,
4.       Procedures framed basing upon poor insights which are beyond queries and clarifications,
5.       Instructions not directly delivered; however, conveyed through non verbal terms,
6.       Real or anticipated fear of failure in one’s performance.
7.       Difficult and complex tasks that are perceived to be beyond one’s ability and tolerance level,
8.       Insufficient work stimulation, as in the case of repetitive and monotonous tasks which are non motivational,

9.       Excessive stimulation resulting from work overload, and that too when one is psychologically unprepared for it,

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